Monday, 21 January 2013

Man of Silver

Wind torn snow
Eddies around
the Iron Men.
Clinging to their form
Creating a silvery sheen 
To the cold iron.

Hipstamatic, John S Lens, BlacKeys SuperGrain Film

Hipstamatic, Tinto 1884 Lens, D-Type Plate Film

Sculptural Beauty of Snow

Snow clings to the trees
Highlighting their form 
Living sculpture
In the landscape.

Hipstamatic, John S Lens, BlacKeys SuperGrain Film

Beech Trees in the snow

Snow has fallen.
Tall and statuesque,
The beeches,
Outlined in white
Etched against the landscape.

Hipstamatic, John S Lens, Ina's 1969 Film

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Favourite Beech Trees

Experimenting with the new Tinto Lens
my favourite beech trees
in the local park glow
green in the low winter sun.

Hipstamatic, Tinto 1884 Lens, Cano Cafenol Film

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

New Hipstamatic Combination

The new release from Hipstamatic, a good recreation of the daguerreotype black and white plate and ideal for available light portraits.

Hipstamatic, Tinto 1884 Lens, D-Type Plate Film

The same Hipstamatic pack used for this portrait taken by the light of a table lamp, this time using the cyanotype colour plate film.

Hipstamatic, Tinto 1884 Lens, C-Type Plate Film

Monday, 7 January 2013

Low sun, long shadows

I love the way the low sun
sends shadows racing across the grass.
Winter mists define the light.

iPhone Camera, processed in Snapseed