Monday, 30 September 2013

Autumnal Palette

A simple bramble leaf,
veins shot through
with flames of yellow
against a fiery red and orange,
painted by autumn's palette.

iPhone Camera, processed in Snapseed

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

A Rose by Hipstamatic

The Hipstamatic App has added several new "films" to its stock recently.
I chose this beautiful creamy rose as a suitable test subject to assess the qualities of each.

Hispstamatic, Jane Lens D-Type Plate Film

Hipstamatic, Jane Lens, Blanko C16 Film

Hipstamatic, Jane Lens, Robusta Film

Hipstamatic, Jane Lens, Sussex Film

Hispatmatic, Jane Lens, C-Type Plate Film

To compare the rose photographed with the ordinary camera.
iPhone Camera, processed in Snapseed.

The Sussex Film has a quality similar to the standard camera but gives the
image a slightly roughened shaded border with is simple without
being distracting, but, for this subject, I love the antique feel to the rose
that the C-Type Plate Film produces.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Wind torn sky

September brings the first winds of autumn
Wind torn clouds fill the sky
Above spray crested waves.
Sparkling air
Clearing the mind at Crosby beach.

iPhone Camera, processed in Snapseed

Monday, 23 September 2013

September Sunsets

The month of September brings wonderful sunsets to Crosby beach.
The air is clean, washed by wind and rain,
Clouds move swiftly, reflecting the light
Of the setting sun, every shade from crimson to peach.

All images
iPhone Camera, image processed in Snapseed.

iPhone Camera, processed in Snapseed
Instagram Lo-Fi Filter